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Polish Events Calendar

This is a list of events compiled by Polish community volunteer Edmund Lewandowski. Sometimes the information changes and we are not informed of the change. We are trying to give here the most accurate information we can. In case you find a discrepancy please call 1-650-302-3577 or send an e-mail message to

Archive calendar

MAY 2, 2004, Sunday, Union City

Bardzo serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkie dzieci wraz z rodzicami.
Jest to tradycyjna doroczna impreza majaca na celu umocnienie wiezi naszych dzieci z jezykiem polskim. Bardzo prosimy rowniez cala Polonie, aby poprzez swoja obecnosc pokazac naszej mlodej generacji dbalosc o nasza polska kulture i nasz polski rodowod.
Union City, CA, 3880 Smith Street

MAY 2, 2004, Sunday, Sacramento
2:00 p.m. - Holy Mass with Archbishop Szczepan Wesoly

1601 South Ave. (near Marysville Blvd)
W zwiazku z przyjazdem Ks. Arcybiskupa Szczepana Wesolego z Rzymu, w dniu 1 Maja 2004r. do Polnocnej Kalifornii, zapraszamy w imieniu Polonijnego Osrodka Kulturalno Pastoralnego z kaplica pod wezwaniem Matki Boskiej Czestochowskiej w Sacramento, oraz pragniemy powiadomic i rownoczesnie zachecic do jak najliczniejszego wziecia udzialu w zaplanowanych z tej okazji Uroczystych Mszy Swietych, oraz spotkan z Ks. Arcybiskupem.
A oto Kalendarz Wizyty:
I. Niedziela 2 Maja - Kaplica Matki Bozej Patronki Emigrantow w Martinez, Kapelan ks. Robert Wawer S.J.
- Uroczysta Msza Sqieta o godz 9:30 rano
- Spotkanie z Polonia oraz czlonkami Kola Przyjaciol Fundacji Jana Pawla II
II. Niedziela 2 Maja - Polonian Cultural & Pastoral Center z kaplica p.w. Matki Boskiej Czestochowskiej w Sacramento. Prezes Stanislaw Rowinski; Kapelan ks. Sylwester Kwiatkowski.
- Uroczysta Msza Swieta godz. 2:00 po poludniu
- Sakrament Bierzmowania
- Poswiecenie mejsca pod rozbudowe PCPC
- Spotkanie z Polonia - Obiad
III. Wtorek 4 Maja - Diecezja Sacramento.
- Spotkanie z Ordynariuszem diecezji Sacramento ks. Biskupem William K. Weigand
IV. Czwartek 6 Maja - Polska Misja Sw. Brata Alberta w San Jose. Proboszcz ks. Jan Karpowicz.
- Uroczysta Msza Swieta o godz. 7:00 wieczorem
- Sakrament Bierzmowania
- Spotkanie z Polonia
V. Sobota 8 Maja - The Friends of John Paul II, Foundation of Monterey, Prezydent Dr. Stefan Kaminski
- Uroczysta Msza Swieta godz. 11:30 rano
- "Lunch" godz. 1:00 po poludniu
VI. Niedziela 9 Maja - Polska Misja Sw. Wojciecha w San Francisco, Proboszcz ks. Jerzy Frydrych
- Uroczysta Msza Swieta o godz. 11:00 rano
- Spotkanie z Polonia
Arcybiskup Szczepan Wesoly z Watykanu jest delegatem Prymasa Polski dla duszpaszterstwa Emigracji oraz Biskupem Pomocniczym Archidiecezji Gniezniejskiej. Arcybiskup (ad Persona) przybywa na specjalne zaproszenie PCPC z kaplica pod wezwaniem Matki Boskiej Czestochowskej w Sacramento. Wizyta rowniez objete beda Osrodki Polonijne w obrebie Polnocnej Kalifornii wlaczajac Los Angeles. Zapraszamy cala Polonie do udzialu w uroczystej Mszy Swietej w dniu 2 Maja o godz 2:00 po poludniu w Kaplicy: 1601 South Ave. (rog z Marysville Blvd), w Sacramento.
Zredagowal: Gabriel Michta

MAY 9, 2004, Sunday, San Francisco

11:00 a.m. - Holy Mass at the Nativity Church
240 Fell Street, between Franklin and Gough
1:00 p.m. - Artistic celebration - concert and folk dancing performance in Golden Gate Park around the big fountain at Botanical Gardens
Entrance is close to the intersection of Lincoln & 9th Avenue Bring a folding chair or blanket, there is plenty of room on the lawn.
Organized by Polish American Congress, Lowiczanie and GGP Band.
3:00 p.m. Food and dancing at the Polish Club
3040 22nd Street at Shotwell

MAY 14, 2004, Friday, San Jose

God, who is fully present in the Eucharist, wants to heal a person from his afflictions - both of his body and of his soul. All are invited.
St. Brother Albert Church, San Jose, 10250 Clayton Road
More information: 1-408-251-8490

MAY 15, 2004, Saturday, Pleasant Hill
7 p.m. - SPRING BALL

Pleasant Hill Recreation Center, located at 320 Civic Drive.
Tickets my be purchased for $20 in advance by contacting Krzysztof Jesionek 1-925-930-8210 Email:
PAEC c/o K. Jesionek, 604 Tarrytown Ct, Walnut Creek, CA 94598
You may also purchase them at the door for $25.
Please remember the number of seats is limited.
About organizers:
The profit from the ball will go to Scouts from the Martinez Center in order to help them financially on their trip to participate in Polish Boy Scouts Rally where they will celebrate 60th Anniversary of Warsaw Uprising.

MAY 20, 2004, Thursday, Menlo Park
7 p.m. - Polish American Engineers Club meeting

The guest speaker will be Krzysztof Nauka, Ph.D., who will give a presentation on "Semiconductor nanoparticles - their perspective applications in electronic and optical devices".
PAEC meetings in the Little House are free of charge and open to members, friends and to all interested in the guest speaker's presentation
Little House of Peninsula Volunteers, 800 Middle Ave., Menlo Park phone 650-326-2025
More info at

MAY 23, 2004, Sunday, San Francisco
1:00 p.m. Polish American Congress Annual Meeting

Location: 3040 22nd Street at Shotwell
Members and guests are cordially invited.
If you have any concerns which you like to be addressed please write email to the PAC President Waclaw Szudelski at
Members are asked to pay the annual dues of $35

Archive events - select month
Events from DEC 2003 to FEB 2011 are below, events from MAR 2011 until present are in the above Google Calendar.

December 2003 June 2004 February 2005
January 2004 September 2004 March 2005
February 2004 October 2004 April 2005
March 2004 November 2004 May 2005
April 2004 December 2004 June 2005
May 2004 January 2005 July 2005
August 2005 February 2006 August 2006
September 2005 March 2006 Sepember 2006
October 2005 April 2006 October 2006
November 2005 May 2006 November 2006
December 2005 June 2006 December 2006
January 2006 July 2006 January 2007
February 2007 August 2007 February 2008
March 2007 September 2007 March 2008
April 2007 October 2007 April 2008
May 2007 November 2007 May 2008
June 2007 December 2007 June 2008
July 2007 January 2008 August 2008
September 2008 March 2009 September 2009
October 2008 April 2009 October 2009
November 2008 May 2009 November 2009
December 2008 June 2009 December 2009
January 2009 July 2009 January 2010
February 2009 August 2009 February 2010
March 2010 October 2010
April 2010 November 2010
May 2010 December 2010
June 2010 January 2011
August 2010 February 2011
September 2010

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© copyright 1995-2007, Edmund Lewandowski