OCTOBER 10, 2004, Sunday, San Francisco
11:00 a.m. a Harvest Mass celebrated at the Church of
the Nativity, 240 Fell St., SF
1:00 p.m. Lowiczanie presents the annual traditional
harvest celebration, "Dozynki" at the Polish Club.
Sponsored by Lowiczanie and Lodge 7 Polish
National Alliance. Live folklore performance
from harvest traditions, dancing, and homemade Polish food.
Dozynki admission, including program and music for dancing:
$5 (no-host bar and Polish foods). Children, free.
Call 1-415-285-4336 for more information.
Polish Club, San Francisco, 3040 22nd Street at Shotwell
OCTOBER 17, 2004, Sunday, Sacramento
11 a.m. - Rev. Leon Juchniewicz acceptance of Walesa medal
President Lech Walesa awarded 9 years ago, exactly on Oct.
4, 1995 the one of the highest medals to the Sacramento's
very popular Polish priest. Krzyz Kawalerski Orderu Zaslugi
Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej will be formally decorated by the
Consul General Krystyna Tokarska-Biernacik.
Address: 1601 South Avenue, Sacramento /exit z hwy. 80 on
South Marysville Blvd., Polish Cultural Pastoral Center
OCTOBER 17, 2004, Sunday, Sacramento Area - Roseville
4:30 p.m. Festival Volunteers Appreciation at the Monthly Sunday Dinner
Menu: Scrumptious deep fried turkey, salad, dessert
Polish American Club of Greater Sacramento
327 Main St, Roseville, CA 95678
More information: 1-916-334-3050 or 1-916-725-8704
OCTOBER 23, 2004, Saturday, Sacramento Area - Roseville
Keynote speaker: Ada Dziewanowska, distinguished author
of Polish folk dance and song
Polish food, music and entertainment by local talents
The Banquet Dinner ticket is $17
Polish American Club of Greater Sacramento
327 Main Street, Roseville, CA 95678
More information: 1-916-334-3050 or 1-916-725-8704