DECEMBER 3, 2005, Saturday, Walnut Creek
5:00 p.m. - WIGILIA - Traditional Blessed Wafer wishes and dinner
with visit by Santa and artistic performances - jaselka
1543 Sunnyvale, Walnut Creek. Exemplary cooperation of all Polonia:
Polish Pastoral Center, East Bay Polish American Association,
Polish School, Polish Veterans of WWII and Polish Scouts.
Tickets $20, jaselka participating children $1, non participating $5.
Reservations and info: pokalski@aol.com or tel. 1-925-286-8498
DECEMBER 4, 2005, Sunday, San Francisco
4:00 p.m. - The Chopin Foundation Annual Chopin Christmas Concert
Performance by the Winners of the 10th Annual San Francisco Chopin
Competition and special guests at the Queen Ann Hotel
1590 Sutter Street (at Octavia) San Francisco
Admission is free, donations welcome and greatly appreciated
Reservations suggested due to limited seating. Refreshments after the concert
For more information call 1-925-944-5733 or email: amgortho@aol.com
DECEMBER 9, 2005, Friday, San Jose
God, who is fully present in the Eucharist, wants to heal
a person from his afflictions -- both, of his body and of his soul. All are invited.
St. Brother Albert Church, San Jose, 10250 Clayton Road
More information: 1-408-251-8490 or www.saintalbert.us
DECEMBER 15, 2005, Thursday, San Jose
7:30 p.m. - Advent Retreat in Polish led by Rev. Zdzislaw Gornicki Dominican from Gdansk, Poland
From December 15 through December 18
Thursday, Friday - 7:30 PM;
Saturday - 5:30 PM;
Sunday - 10:30 AM & 12:30 PM.
Confessions - one hour before the Mass.
St. Brother Albert Church, San Jose, 10250 Clayton Road
More information: 1-408-251-8490 or http://www.saintalbert.us
DECEMBER 17, 2005, Saturday, Union City
5 p.m. - Polish Christmas Eve celebration - WIGILIA
More information: Ms. Krystyna at 1-510-538-5399
Tickets only in advance sales: adults $20.00, children (3-14) $5.00
3880 Smith St., Union City, CA 94587
DECEMBER 18, 2005, Sunday, Santa Rosa area
2:30 p.m. Polish Mass and WIGILIA
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church (4595 Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park, CA 94928)
This is renewal of Polish Masses in Sonoma County
More information: 1-707-525-1386 e-mail: eprochaz@sonic.net
Please inform your friends in the Santa Rosa area
DECEMBER 18, 2005, Sunday, San Francisco
After Holy Mass at 11 a.m. WIECZERZA WIGILIJNA
For San Francisco Polonia at the Nativity Church - 240 Fell Street
All Polish Americans are invited to celebrate coming of the Christ
our Lord with Traditional Blessed Wafer wishes and dinner.
There will be a visit from Santa, parents are asked to coordinate
the presents. Please sign up for the event so organizers would know
how much food to prepare
Tickets: adults $15, children $5, 1-415-252-5799
DECEMBER 18, 2005, Sunday, Sacramento
Polish Wigilija after Holy Mass at 11 a.m.
Polish Cultural Pastoral Center
1601 South Ave. Exit Marysville from I80
More information, Eugeniusz Grellus 1-916-922-2798
December 31, 2005, Saturday, San Francisco
7 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. New Year's Eve Party - Sylwester !!!!
Polish Parish Council cordially invites all Polish Americans to celebrate
coming of the New Year. Parish Hall, 240 Fell Street
Tickets $50.00 per person. Included: Hot Dinner, Cold Buffet, Champagne,
Wine, Music, Nice Atmosphere in a nicely decorated hall. Open cash bar
Music by D.J. Kuba - World standards, New trends, some Polish dance music
Information and tickets: Kazimierz Sobczak 1-415-269-8681
Proceeds from this event are for the parish community affairs.
December 31, 2005, Saturday, East Bay
Bal Sylwestrowy w Alamo Womens Club, San Francisco Bay Area
Date: Saturday December 31, 2005
Time: 6:00 pm - 2:00 am
Location: 1401 Danville Blvd, Alamo
East Bay Polish American Association serdecznie zaprasza na doroczny Bal Sylwestrowy
we wspaniale udekorowanej sali Womens Club w Alamo. Zapewniamy doskonala muzyke taneczna,
przystawki przez caly wieczor, wykwintna kolacje, desery. Inne atrakcje w planach.
Ceny biletow:$60/osoba lub $110/para (w cenie wliczone sa zakaski, pelna kolacja, desery
i szampan).
Bilety mozna juz zamawiac: Ryszard Mleczko (925)759-5872 lub (925)427-2119 - rdrewniany@comcast.net
December 31, 2005, Saturday, Union City
7 p.m. - 2 a.m. New Year's Eve Party - SYLWESTER!!!
Tickets in advance sales only $25 1-510-538-5399
Cash bar with excellent appetizers and drinks
As every year, good time is guaranteed
Wszystkich serdecznie zapraszamy. Gwarantowana dobra zabawa!!!
3880 Smith St., Union City, CA 94587
DECEMBER 31, 2005, Saturday, Bal Sylwestrowy Sacramento
Time: 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: Polonian Cultural and Pastoral Center- Sacramento
Street: 1601 South Avenue
City/State/Zip: Sacramento, Ca 95838
Phone: Eugeniusz Grellus- (916) 922-2798
Last day to buy tickets is December 25th !!!