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Polish Events Calendar

This is a list of events compiled by Polish community volunteer Edmund Lewandowski. Sometimes the information changes and we are not informed of the change. We are trying to give here the most accurate information we can. In case you find a discrepancy please call 1-650-302-3577 or send an e-mail message to

Archive calendar

AUGUST 3, 2007, Friday, San Jose
God, who is fully present in the Eucharist, wants to heal a person from his afflictions -- both of his body and of his soul. All are invited.
St. Brother Albert Church, San Jose, 10250 Clayton Road
More information: or 1-408-251-8490

AUGUST 5, 2007, Sunday, San Francisco
11 a.m. - Special guest at the Church of Nativity
Fantastic tenor from Poland - Rev. Zdzislaw Madej
After the Holy Mass there will be a presentation of exceptional voice from the Wroclaw Diocese special Ministry for the Artists and Campus Ministry (for students). He already performed at Polish churches in Martinez and Union City. I heard an opinion that "this kind of voice should be representing Poland at the most famous opera houses, not working as a priest". We have a chance to hear him in the best acoustic environment we can get in the Polish community in San Francisco. Please come and enjoy the opera singer of the highest world class. The recital will start around noon at the church upstairs. Location: 240 Fell Street, San Francisco.
More references about the artist:

AUGUST 5, 2007, Sunday, Rohnert Park
7 p.m. - 10 p.m. - PBS TV pledge drive in the North San Francisco Bay volunteered to help in an upcoming pledge drive at a local PBS TV station KRCB. They will be broadcasting two programs about Poland and Polish Americans. Please read more in item # 2 of this Newsletter

AUGUST 5, 2007, Sunday, Northern Bay Area
7:00 p.m. Polish broadcast at KRCB PBS station with participation of volunteers from
Schedule: Please see the listing here

AUGUST 12, 2007, Sunday, Rohnert Park
3:00 p.m. - Catholic Mass in Polish and local Polonia social gathering
Location: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, 4595 Snyder Lane
All are invited for a get-together in the cafeteria following Mass.
Mass in Polish once a month, usually second Sunday, with exception in June. More info at:
or contact Ela Prochazka at 1-707-525-1368 or

AUGUST 12, 2007, Sunday, PBS TV Channel 22
4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. PBS TV programs with Polonia participation
Watch interviews with Zdzislaw Zakrzewski, President of the Polish American Congress in Northern California, Tomasz Kotlinski, the Principal of the Polish School in Walnut Creek, Ela Prochazka, Polish community coordinator in Sonoma county. Please watch those Polish TV programs and support the KRCB station as they are spreading the word about the Bay Area Polish American community.

AUGUST 19, 2007, Sunday, Martinez
9:30 a.m. - Sunday of Four Anniversaries
* Rocznica Cudu nad Wisla
* Rocznica Powstania Warszawskiego
* Rocznica Powstania Solidarnosci
* Rocznica powstania Wojska Polskiego
* Swieto Matki Boskiej Zielnej
909 Mellus Street, Martinez

AUGUST 26, 2007, Sunday, Martinez
9:30 a.m. - Special mass for Polish Scouting Organization
with the presence of the General Scoutmaster from London at the begining of the World's Scotmasters Retreat
More info:

AUGUST 26, 2007, Sunday, San Jose
10:30 a.m. Polish Pilgrimage to the Mother Mary Queen of All Nations at the Polish St. Albert Chmielowski parish in San Jose.
Special Holy Mass with participation of many guest priests.
Bay Area Polish parishes are taking part in this special celebration. After the celebration a variety of home made Polish food will be served. More information: 1-408-251-8490
St. Brother Albert Church, San Jose, 10250 Clayton Road

Archive events - select month
Events from DEC 2003 to FEB 2011 are below, events from MAR 2011 until present are in the above Google Calendar.

December 2003 June 2004 February 2005
January 2004 September 2004 March 2005
February 2004 October 2004 April 2005
March 2004 November 2004 May 2005
April 2004 December 2004 June 2005
May 2004 January 2005 July 2005
August 2005 February 2006 August 2006
September 2005 March 2006 Sepember 2006
October 2005 April 2006 October 2006
November 2005 May 2006 November 2006
December 2005 June 2006 December 2006
January 2006 July 2006 January 2007
February 2007 August 2007 February 2008
March 2007 September 2007 March 2008
April 2007 October 2007 April 2008
May 2007 November 2007 May 2008
June 2007 December 2007 June 2008
July 2007 January 2008 August 2008
September 2008 March 2009 September 2009
October 2008 April 2009 October 2009
November 2008 May 2009 November 2009
December 2008 June 2009 December 2009
January 2009 July 2009 January 2010
February 2009 August 2009 February 2010
March 2010 October 2010
April 2010 November 2010
May 2010 December 2010
June 2010 January 2011
August 2010 February 2011
September 2010

design by Mariusz Wilkolaski
© copyright 1995-2007, Edmund Lewandowski