We will be happy to announce any event connected in any way to Polish
community. Please make sure the organizers will inform us about event
directly at poloniasfo@yahoo.com . Some events are not listed due to
personal preferences of the organizers. We are open to list any event.
In order to avoid mistakes the information must be submitted directly
by the organizers.
Tickets for Archbishop's goodbye party on sale July 10, 2005
The farewell dinner for our Archbishop William Levada will be on
Thursday, August 11, 2005, 6:30-9:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Cathedral
Patrons' Hall.
The dinner will be a buffet, catered by MoonStar Restaurant.
The Restaurant will charge $20 per person and tickets will
be sold at $25.00 each to cover the other expenses.
Tickets can be purchased at Nativity Church from Karol Piestrzynski
member of Nativity's Finance Committee. There is very limited number
of tickets. Please buy them as soon as possible in order to secure
your participation in this historic celebration. Tickets will be
available on Sunday, July 10, 2005.
Warsaw Village Band to visit San Francisco Bay Area
The world famous Polish band will visit San Francisco this coming
August 2005. The band is so popular and famous that on their web
site people from their home country, Poland, are asking when they
can enjoy their life performances. We are very lucky to have them
in San Francisco. They won the prestigious BBC World Music Award
in the last round in 2004. Please join the world and see this ecstatic
Polish band. Please refer to our Calendar section 1 for details.
Warsaw Village Band was founded in 1997 by six young
musicians. Playing violin, suka (unique polish fiddle
coming from XVIth century), cello and various traditional
polish drums.
Their repertoire consists of folk dance melodies , ballads
and rural songs, which are performed in a special way -
using a special, old technique of singing, that consists in
using so called white voices. However it's not only a simple
imitation of Polish folk music, but rather adduction to the
concept of folk music, giving the style of folk performance
which is closer to modern aesthetic conventions.
"Warsaw Village Band's traditional songbook doesn't
contain the hooks of contemporary pop, but the glorious
timbres, the galloping percussion, the driving pings of the
dulcimer and the dissonant staccato stroking of the cello
delivered with plenty of drama."
Washington Post
"There is nothing like big drums, wild strings, a shameless
brass section, vibrant vocals and youthful energy! The
Warsaw Village Band has it all....with not only great talent
but with absolute gusto."
Gypsy Flores - KUSP
"Due to their hard work and creativity, world music
enthusiasts long infatuated by the rhythms of the Balkans
are finally gazing northward, toward the prima grooves of
the Polish plains."
Global Rhythm
Solidarity activists of 1980's please share your experiences
If you were forced to leave Poland because of Martial Law, you are
the person I am looking for!
I am working on a book about Poles who were arrested and brought to
the internment camps or/and imprisoned due to the Martial Law in 1981
and then were given offer to leave Poland, so they currently live
in the foreign countries.
If you share such an experience contact me, please.
Polish student is looking for place to stay for 2 months
A student of theology & hermeneutics [public relations]
is in San Francisco for the next two summer months.
While getting to know the US culture
is looking for the place to stay and a job.
[speaks polish, English, French...hard working will also be fine]
If you have any offers, please contact me via: camill@neostrada.pl
Apel do mlodziezy polonijnej w SF Bay Area
Mlodzi Polacy w SF Bay Area,
Czy komus to sie podoba czy nie, Polonia ma swoje struktury,
wypracowane przez wiele pokolen emigrantow. Te struktury sa WASZA
WLASNOSCIA. Wy, mlode pokolenie, macie do tego prawo! Nikt tego nie
robil przez 125 lat dla siebie! To bylo dla Polonii. Ta Polonia
jestescie teraz Wy!
To jest ogromny potencjal, rowniez materialny, ktory powinniscie
zaczac wykorzystywac dla siebie. Z naleznym szacunkiem dla osob,
ktore nie zaprzepascily dorobku wielu pokolen emigrantow, opiekowaly
sie strukturami i dobrami materialnymi, powinniscie sie wlaczyc do
ich kultywowania i korzystania z nich. Dlaczego macie spotykac sie
w barach lub kawiarniach. Co zlego z kawiarnia i barem na ulicy
22giej w San Francisco? A mozna urzadzic te kawiarnie wedlug
wlasnego gustu, czuc sie jak u siebie w domu!
Ja pokazuje co jest zle i co mozna naprawic, aby moglo sie podobac,
aby ludzie chcieli sie wlaczyc. Jestem uparty i bede uparcie
propagowal haslo: "Wszystko co polskie dla calej Polonii".
W przypadku Kongresu podalem suche fakty, a w odpowiedzi otrzymuje
stek manipulacji w wykonaniu aktualnego prezesa. Moja prezesura w
Kongresie skonczyla sie w czerwcu 2002 roku. Zukowski oskarza mnie,
ze to moja wina, ze Kongres jest SUSPENDED w maju 2005 roku. To
tylko logika Zukowskiego. Dlaczego on to robi, nie wiem. Moze jednak
warto by bylo, aby glowni przedstawiciele Polonii sie zlustrowali,
tak jak to proponuje ten artykul: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PoloniaSF-Forum/message/59
Wiem, ze wiele osob jest zmeczonych ta klotnia polonijna. Powiedzcie
tylko, co jest zlego w dazeniu do poprawnego funkcjonowania
organizacji polonijnych, co jest zlego w udostepnieniu ogolowi
Polonii dorobku wielu pokolen polskich emigrantow? Ja sie wlasnie
o to kloce. Oni kloca sie o to, aby to wszystko bylo pod ich
kontrola. No i nie wolno zadawac pytan, szczegolnie o finanse.
Najciekawsze jest to, ze z wielka pasja odrzucaja wnioski o
wprowadzenie przepisu oddajacego innej instytucji charytatywnej
wszystkie dobra materialne w przypadku braku czlonkow w organizacji.
To daje mozliwosc, ze na ostatnim zebraniu majatek zostanie
podzielony pomiedzy obecnych czlonkow. Jest to w tej chwili,
bagatela, 3 miliony dolarow.
Szanowne mlode pokolenie. To nalezy do Was. Wlaczcie sie w
dzialalnosc i korzystajcie z dorobku naszych przodkow.