We will be happy to announce any event connected in any way to Polish
community. Please make sure the organizers will inform us about event
directly at poloniasfo@yahoo.com .
Some events are not listed due to
personal preferences of the organizers. We are open to list any event.
In order to avoid mistakes the information must be submitted directly
by the organizers.
There is a real possibility that the one of the most popular Polish
entertainers Michal Wisniewski with the band "Ich Troje" will perform
in San Francisco. The planned date is February 12, 2006, Sunday night.
The US organizer asked PoloniaSF.org to poll the Polish American
community to find out if there will be enough interest to make it
cost effective. The band would come with musicians, dancers and minimal
technical staff to manage stage equipment the band is travelling with.
The ticket price is set as general admission $35 per person and $50 for
first few rows of seats. The seating is on first come first serve basis.
Please, if you want to make sure this performance will happen, write
email to: ichtrojeusa2006@yahoo.com with number of tickets you are
reserving for the event. Please do it as soon as you can, email now.
Details will follow on www.PoloniaSF.org
New information about the activities of Polish scouts
IPN about Polonia infiltration by secret communist agents
http://www.ipn.gov.pl/pub_aparat_polon.html http://www.ipn.gov.pl/inf_buad_jak.html
" ...............
W przypadku, gdy pracownik, wspólpracownik lub funkcjonariusz aparatu
bezpieczenstwa panstwa zlozy odpowiedni wniosek wraz z oswiadczeniem
o wspólpracy lub pracy na rzecz organów bezpieczenstwa panstwa informuje
sie go, jakie materialy dotyczace jego osoby znajduja sie w zasobie IPN.
Osoby te nie maja wgladu w ww. dokumenty."
Several people asked the following or very similar question about
how to obtain the IPN certificate clearing the name from any doubts
about being involved with communist secret police:
[in short, you just write one email to: o.warszawa@ipn.gov.pl , simple]
>PoloniaSF Subscriber wrote:
>w jaki sposob mozna zalatwic zaswiadczenie , o ktorym Pan pisze?
>czy moze Pan podac jakies informacje na ten temat
From: "www.PoloniaSF.org"
To: PoloniaSF Subscriber
Subject: RE: [PoloniaSF_News] Two Polonia PAEC organizations invite
for their events
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 20:20:19 -0800 (PST)
Jest to bardzo proste.
Osoba zainteresowana pisze email do: o.warszawa@ipn.gov.pl
z prosba o zaswiadczenie z powodu zbieznosci nazwiska i imienia z lista
Wildsteina. Podac nalezy pelne dane osobowe: imiona, nazwisko, date
i miejsce urodzenia, imiona rodzicow. Jak sie poda nazwisko panienskie
matki to w przypadku publikacji przez IPN na internecie moga zaciemnic
to nazwisko. IPN wszystkie dane sprawdzi i przysle zaswiadczenie poczta.
Mozna rowniez pisemnie poprosic o umieszczenie zaswiadczenia na
stronach IPN. Przyklad: http://www.ipn.bip.net.pl/?a=577
Polish art exhibit at BERKELEY ART MUSEUM, Berkeley, California
November 20, 2005 – February 27, 2006
Sunday, November 20, 4 p.m. - Artist’s Talk
with Wilhelm Sasnal, curator Heidi Zuckerman Jacobson, and Jordan Kantor,
artist, associate professor at California College of the Arts and former
assistant curator of drawings at MoMA, New York http://www.bampfa.berkeley.edu/education/219/content.html
"WILHELM SASNAL/MATRIX 219" features new works by renowned
Polish artist Wilhelm Sasnal. Best known as a painter, Sasnal
uses mass-media photographs, video, film, and animation
as source material for his work.
About exhibit: http://www.bampfa.berkeley.edu/exhibits/219/index.html
BERKELEY ART MUSEUM, 2626 Bancroft Way (just below College Avenue
near the UC Berkeley campus) Berkeley, California, 1-510-642-0808
Media watch, November 20, 2005, by Ted Mirecki
Merkel to Prioritize Expellee Center
Merkel's stated commitment to the planned Center Against Expulsions in Berlin
comes as a stark contrast to the resistance demonstrated by Gerhard Schröder and
his Social Democratic coalition towards the project. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,1782604,00.html