FREE web hosting for Polish American non profit organizations FREE advertising for everyone
We are happy to announce that we found a brand new company which
offers help in FREE web hosting for Polish American non profit organizations.
If you have a web hosting need and you are not
a non profit they will be glad to help you for a very reasonable
fee: www.polsystems.com --> polski webhosting, pomoc dla non-profit/polskich organizacji.
Also, they are providing free bulletin board for classifieds.
If you have something to sell, you are looking for job or you
offer a job, Polish American community has finally a place to
do advertise it at: www.polmarket.org ZAPRASZAMY!
Darmowe ogloszenia w USA: PRACA,Kupno-Sprzedaz, Nieruchomosci.
Zapraszamy www.polmarket.org
www.polmarket.org --> darmowe ogloszenia