We will be happy to announce any event connected in any way to Polish
community. Please make sure the organizers will inform us about event
directly at poloniasfo@yahoo.com .
Some events are not listed due to
personal preferences of the organizers. We are open to list any event.
In order to avoid mistakes the information must be submitted directly
by the organizers.
Tak mu dopomóz Bóg!
By Rzeczypospolitej skonczyla sie wyboista droga.
W nieslawie niech odejdzie wróg
Co kpil, drwil, przepraszal i chwial sie na nogach.
Tak mu dopomóz Bóg!
Zeby oparcie mial we wlasnym narodzie.
Ojczyznie smialo w oczy spojrzec mógl
A ludzie nie zyli w nedzy, strachu, glodzie.
Tak mu dopomóz Bóg!
By wodzem byl sprawiedliwym
Przed soba wysoko stawial próg,
Wobec mocarzy nie byl spolegliwy.
Tak mu dopomóz Bóg!
Niech pozna smak zwyciestwa,
Trebacze grajcie w zloty róg.
Niechaj mu nigdy nie zabraknie mestwa.
Tak mu dopomóz Bóg!
/znalezione na internecie/
Issues important for Polonia world wide
Recently, on the wave of new people in Polish government, there is
a lot of discussion about Polonia and Poles living in other countries.
We are witnessing many articles written by different people. When
reading any of it, we need to remember one general rule: people are
innocent until proven guilty BUT the problem is in having access to
information which can determine that. If there is a coincidence of
a communist agent with the name of a real person it is up to that
person to clear the suspicion. This is due to the current Polish law.
Maybe we will see a change?
The copies of the following letter have been signed by dozens
of concerned Polish Americans in Northern California and sent
to President Spula. Mr. Zakrzewski's wish was to make this
letter available to the Polish American community with his
sincere request to Polonia to react and write to Mr. Spula.
MORE IN POLISH AND ENGLISH UNDER THE LINK BELOW: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PoloniaSF-Forum/message/152
Reactions to this letter are recorded here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PoloniaSF-Forum/message/157
To jedyny w Kalifornii polski tygodnik. Ukazuje sie od 2004 r. Oferujemy informacje i publicystyke z
Zycia Polonii, Polski i owiata. TK jest dostepny w prenumeracie.
Zamawiajac "Tygodnik Kalifornijski" popierasz polska prase.
Ceny: kwartal $ 25, pól roku $ 45, rok $ 90. Kontakt z nami:
655 Farley St. Tel. (650) 938-4473
Mountain View, CA 94043 email: Tygodnik_Kalifornijski@hotmail.com
FREE web hosting for Polish American non profit organizations FREE advertising for everyone
We are happy to announce that we found a brand new company which
offers help in FREE web hosting for Polish American non profit organizations.
If you have a web hosting need and you are not
a non profit they will be glad to help you for a very reasonable
fee: www.polsystems.com --> polski webhosting, pomoc dla non-profit/polskich organizacji.
Also, they are providing free bulletin board for classifieds.
If you have something to sell, you are looking for job or you
offer a job, Polish American community has finally a place to
do advertise it at: www.polmarket.org ZAPRASZAMY!
Darmowe ogloszenia w USA: PRACA,Kupno-Sprzedaz, Nieruchomosci.
Zapraszamy www.polmarket.org