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The following posting was sent on June 3, 2006


Calendar of Polish events in Northern California
VIDEO - Real solid information about communist agents in Polonia
Need for bone marrow Polish or Polish/Italian donor
Tygodnik Kalifornijski "Fundusz Wydawniczy"
Visa Lottery winners from Poland looking for a room for rent
Looking for help in translating from Polish to English
How to call overseas for pennies per minute
FREE web hosting for Polish American non profit organizations FREE advertising for everyone

We will be happy to announce any event connected in any way to Polish community. Please make sure the organizers will inform us about event directly at . Some events are not listed due to personal preferences of the organizers. We are open to list any event. In order to avoid mistakes the information must be submitted directly by the organizers.

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VIDEO - Real solid information about communist agents in Polonia

Polish American Congress starts American Polonia renewal

See the reality of communist agents in Polonia. Not a "witch hunt", nor imaginary subject. Very harsh reality of Polonia being infiltrated by communist agents and Polish equivalent of KGB functionaries. One of the first videos made with cooperation with Institute of National Remembrance in Poland.

To watch the video go to and click on the "NEW" link by the movie camera icon in the middle of the page. Pick the long or short version.

THU JUN 1 2006 - TUE JUN 27 2006
Movies by Krzysztof Kieslowski at the Pacific Film Archives OR

Krzysztof Kieslowski's ten-part Decalogue, each film based on one of the Ten Commandments, and his Three Colors trilogy, formed around the symbolism of the French flag, earned him international acclaim for their ambition and scope, while his early Polish films stand as testaments to the power of a socially committed cinema.
[ .......... ]
The Pacific Film Archive is proud to present an almost complete retrospective—including rarely screened early documentaries and shorts—of this director whose reputation has only grown since his untimely death ten years ago. “To call Kieslowski the premier filmmaker of the last two decades seems hardly enough,” wrote The Los Angeles Times. “Without him, the international film scene . . . is definitely a sadder and lonelier place.”

Jason Sanders

Need for bone marrow Polish or Polish/Italian donor

Drogi Panie Lewandowski,
Bardzo prosze o zamieszczenie tego komunikatu na stronie Polonii.
Dziekuje bardzo,

Pilnie poszukiwany jest dawca szpiku kostnego dla 17-toletniego Pete Palmere, mieszkajacego w Davis, CA.
Wszystkie zainteresowane osoby proszone sa o zgloszenie sie do najblizszego Blood Bank w celu otrzymania wstepnego testu na zgodnosc dawcy/odbiorcy i zarejestrowania sie do Bone Marrow Registry.

Bone Marrow Drive dla Pete odbedzie sie w Davis 17-go czerwca (info: Jeff Hudson, 1-530-747-8055). Najwieksza szanse na zostanie dawca dla Pete maja osoby o pochodzeniu polsko-wloskim, ale dzieki rejestrowi ogolnokrajowemu mamy szanse na ocalenie zycia innym osobom oczekujacych na ratujacy zycie przeszczep szpiku.

Pytania? Chris Shackel (530) 756-8501.

Tutaj mozna przeczytac artykul o chlopcu:

Tygodnik Kalifornijski "Fundusz Wydawniczy"

I am very disappointed that the Tygodnik Kalifornijski was forced to hold their publication. Below is the link to the explanation in Polish I received from the editor, Pawel Krupa:

I am hoping Polonia will be able to help to restore the publication of Tygodnik Kalifornijski. If they get 200 more subscriptions they, I think, will be able to continue. In addition, I am proposing to establish a publishing fund within a Polish non profit organization or by TK itself. TK could dedicate a small space to list donations as "Fundusz Wydawniczy" and publish how it is being spend. I am sure some of you and hopefully your friends will help. Personally, I have known Pawel Krupa as an extremely honest individual, so I have no problem with him managing such fund. I hope he will earn the trust of many more people who would contribute to keep the Tygodnik afloat. Please send your money now. Hopefully Tygodnik can resume soon. I am sending them directly $100. Please do the same.

If you have any ideas how to help, please contact TK directly at:
Tygodnik Kalifornijski
655 Farley St.
Mountain View, CA 94043
Tel. 1-650-938-4473

Visa Lottery winners from Poland looking for a room for rent

A very nice couple from Lodz, Poland arrived in San Francisco after winning the Visa lottery. They would like to rent a room with Polish family. They will pay the market rate, but are a bit overwhelmed by all new things and would prefer to stay with other Polish people. If you can help please call 1-415632-6106.

Looking for help in translating from Polish to English

From: "arvind acharya"

Hello Mr. Lewandowski

I got your information via your website. I am helping a good friend of mine from Poland , Wes (Wieslaw) Sokolowski, who is deaf and applying for his US Citizenship. As part of his application he has to submit his marriage certificate which is in Polish.

Since US Immigration documents have to be in English can you direct me to a person who can translate this one-page marriage certificate in English. He is currently unemployed and will appreciate any assistance from you or your organization for this translation.

If you have any questions, please call me at 1-510-719-6858

Thanks very much
Arvind Acharya

How to call overseas for pennies per minute


We tested many calling cards which are available at To get them you need to click on the card picture in the upper left corner. You will see many cards to pick from. They all deliver superb quality, but the differences are in maintenance fees, taxes and access numbers. Some of the cards can be used from Poland, few can be used with a web interface, where you can connect any two phones in the world. That way you can call from Poland to US for just 5 cents per minute - card CONTINENTAL. There is no connection fee on any card.

Here are other recommendations depending on your calling pattern: CHEAP STREET - Frequent and long calls - effective rate (including taxes and maintenance fee) 1.5 to 2.5 cents per minute JUPITER - Infrequent calls, can call from Canada and Russia - effective rate (no maintenance fee, including taxes and rounding) 2.5 - 3.0 cents per minute BIZON - Infrequent calls - can call from many countries in Europe, but not Poland - effective rate (as above) 3.5 to 3.8 cents per minute - INCLUDING ALL TAXES!!!

The best thing is that there is no obligation to continue, no phone hookup. Complete freedom. receives 10% of the commission. Currently it amounts to few dollars per month. The funds help to offset the expenses the volunteers pay in order to run the web site. Please help by asking your friends to purchase the calling cards at

FREE web hosting for Polish American non profit organizations FREE advertising for everyone

We are happy to announce that we found a brand new company which offers help in FREE web hosting for Polish American non profit organizations. If you have a web hosting need and you are not a non profit they will be glad to help you for a very reasonable fee: --> polski webhosting, pomoc dla non-profit/polskich organizacji.

Also, they are providing free bulletin board for classifieds. If you have something to sell, you are looking for job or you offer a job, Polish American community has finally a place to do advertise it at: ZAPRASZAMY!

Darmowe ogloszenia w USA: PRACA,Kupno-Sprzedaz, Nieruchomosci.
Zapraszamy --> darmowe ogloszenia



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