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The following posting was sent on October 6, 2006


Calendar of Polish events in Northern California
Polish journalists investigation confirm government claims
Important information about Poland A.D. 2006
Fantastic humor about Poland A.D. 2006
Paper version of this Newsletter mailed via regular mail

We will be happy to announce any event connected in any way to Polish community. Please make sure the organizers will inform us about event directly at . Some events are not listed due to personal preferences of the organizers. We are open to list any event. In order to avoid mistakes the information must be submitted directly by the organizers.

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Polish journalists investigation confirm government claims

Recent actions (SEP.2006) of the present Polish government led to startling discovery of tightly guarded communist secrets. Similarly, two jurnalists discovered traces of a special Fund collected in 1939 to help Polish military to buy arms just before the WWII ended up in communist secret services and "disappeared". It was hundreds of pounds of pure gold in various forms.
Also, it has been discovered that the communist secret agents were conducting special covered operations in the western Europe, robbing jewelry shops and getting the loot into the communist controlled secret vaults. Details of those unbelievable actions are still to be discovered and probed by Kaczynskis government.,20060911393417.strona,8498784,wiadomosc.html

Important information about Poland A.D. 2006

If you are interested in the history of modern Poland this message is for you. The present struggles of power in Poland have a very complicated background in the last 17 years of Polish history. The recent political attempted coup by opposition to Kaczynski brothers, President and Prime Minister, must be put into perspective of the post "round table" Poland. It is important for one to understand the agentural nature of the former communist mafia. It is described very well in this Prime Minister speech in D.C.:
I think it is shocking, in particular to English speaking person, (such info was in Polish only, and was evolving over the years) because informs bluntly how the former communists regained power and transformed into capitalists. Now we can say Poland is free. If one hears about present power struggles in Poland, in view of this PM text, you can appreciate the enormous resistance of the old clan. The media frenzy, the attacks on government, etc.

The following link provides the background on the present turmoil in Poland instigated by former communist power holding groups, which are now being cut off by Jaroslaw Kaczynski moves (September 2006):
One film was made in 1994, about the political coup in 1992. Those videos are even more important now, when the attack on Kaczynski's is greater than ever before. Please share this with others for better understanding of the issues facing us here in American Polonia.

Please watch these videos as they contain very important facts relating strongly via persons appearing there, to the Poland's political happenings in September 2006. Some of the facts discussed could have a domino effect which could affect Polonia in the United States.

Fantastic humor about Poland A.D. 2006

The humorous video is in Polish. I do not want do describe it because I do not want to spoil it to the subscribers with understanding of Polish language. In my opinion this piece is briliant "before and after":
Polecam swietny humor o sytuacji politycznej w Polsce:
Nazywa sie to "Przed i PO" i mozna to rowniez odtworzyc bezposrednio ze strony:
Mniej humorystyczny, ale optymistyczny i wazny dla Polakow jest krotki pieciominutowy program "Wiosna Polakow":
Takze mozna go obejrzec ze strony:

Paper version of this Newsletter mailed via regular mail

We had been approached with requests to make this Newsletter available for people with no computers. I would like to inform you that such ser- vice has been just started. We ask the mail subscribers to cover the cost of printing and mailing via first class mail. If you know anyone who desires to receive our Newsletter by mail please tell them of the possibility. Please send a check of $10 payable to Edmund Lewandowski and mail it to: 1235 Taraval Street, San Francisco, CA 94116.

FREE web hosting for Polish American non profit organizations

FREE advertising for everyone --> darmowe ogloszenia



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