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The following posting was sent on April 3, 2007


Calendar of Polish events
Secret communist agents in the Polish media exposed on TV
News casts from Poland on the Internet
Polish American Historical Association Annual Conference
Important message regarding US elections
Call overseas dirt cheap and support this Newsletter

We will be happy to announce any event connected in any way to Polish community. Please make sure the organizers will inform us about event directly at . Some events are not listed due to personal preferences of the organizers. We are open to list any event. In order to avoid mistakes the information must be submitted directly by the organizers.

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Secret communist agents in the Polish media exposed on TV

Shocking TV program about famous Polish journalists discovered to be secret agents in the communist apparatus in Poland. This program asks difficult question: "Do all journalists working for communist Poland will ever be denounced?" You will see prominent "independent" journalists of communist era and their secret files from secret communist services archives. They always repeat "I did not hurt anyone" - amazing coincidence in many statements to the press. Historian from IPN described that as one of the secret agent training points: deny involvement despite any proof and say: "I did not hurt anyone".

Misja Specjalna TVP o lustracji dziennikarzy:
Jesli powyzszy link nie bedzie dzialal, program mozna znalezc
pod adresem: nastepujaco:
1. Katalog => "wybierz nazwe"
2. Misja specjalna (jest jakies trzy czwarte w dol nowego okienka)
3. Pokaz
4. "Misja specjalna - Dziennikarze - konfidenci peerelowskich sluzb"

News casts from Poland on the Internet

For the last few years anyone could watch Polish TV news programs on web site. The archives are still there. You can watch news programs even couple years back. It is a fantastic source of news from Poland. Please see the examples from the archives:
20050319:,188695,1.view -- Kaczynski for President
20050101:,147879,1.view -- after Tsunami

Catalogs: -- 200507 -- 200602 -- 200703

On March 18, 2007, they made a fundamental change. The news programs are now blocked from the North American viewers. The change makes it impossible to view current and archive news programs as before. Current programs are available only via paid subscription at but only one program for given date. There is no way of viewing any old news casts. In my opinion this option was very important for American viewer. Please join me in requesting from TVP to restore that function of the Polish public television. You can write a letter from this screen:

Here is what I wrote and feel free to use any portion as a sample:
Szanowni Panstwo,
Jestem wielce zaskoczony tym ze w nowym formacie Wiadomosci nie mozna ogladac spoza granic kraju. Ogladanie Wiadomosci ze strony TVP.PL>WIADOMOSCI> [ ] bylo dla mnie cennym zrodlem kontaktu z krajem na przestrzeni ostatnich kilku lat. Teraz otrzymuje nastepujaca wiadomosc: "Dostep do tego materialu nie jest mozliwy z terytorium kraju z którego sie z nami laczysz." Apeluje o przywrocenie tych mozliwosci, zwlaszcza, ze mozna bylo ogladac archiwalne wydania Wiadomosci, nawet na kilka miesiecy wstecz.

Pozdrawiam serdecznie,
Edmund Lewandowski
San Francisco

Polish American Historical Association Annual Conference

The Polish American Historical Association will hold its Annual Conference in conjunction with the American Historical Association in Washington, D.C., January 3-6, 2008. The PAHA Program Committee welcomes proposals from both PAHA members and non-members for complete sessions and individual papers. The Committee welcomes proposals on all historical periods and from a variety of scholarly perspectives and disciplines.
All proposals must be submitted electronically (Word format) and sent To Dr. Anna Jaroszynska-Kirchmann, PAHA President and Program Committee Chair, at Please include the following information:

1. Name of the session organizer, professional affiliation and contact information.
2. Names of each session participant, professional affiliation, and contact information.
3. Titles and one-page proposals of presentations.
4. Media needs (note: due to the prohibitive costs of media rentals, those papers for which the media equipment is essential might be grouped together for a special session).

Deadline for proposals: May 1, 2007.

PAHA will award its annual Graduate Research Paper Award, designed to stimulate research into Polish-American history and culture and to recognize outstanding work by a young scholar in the humanities or social sciences. The award includes the opportunity to present the paper as part of the program of the Polish American Historical Association's Conference. The winner will receive a stipend of $500.00 to offset costs associated with travel to the Conference. In addition the essay will be considered for publication in the PAHA journal, Polish American Studies.
The Award Committee solicits either direct submissions or faculty nominations of substantial original research papers, not longer than approximately 35 pages (ca. 9,000 words). The candidate for the award must be a graduate student at the time of the application or nomination. A current c.v. and a one page summary of the essay must accompany the submission. Deadline: April 15, 2007 (Papers received after this date cannot be considered.) Announcement: on or about May 1, 2007. An electronic application in the Word format should be mailed to: Dr. Brian McCook, Chair of the PAHA Awards Committee <

Karen Majewski, Executive Director
Polish American Historical Association

Important message regarding US elections

We Polish Americans shall also fight for the principles of America, the country we adopted when many of us escaped from the opressive communist system. This is my contribution in the discussion as to "Who should be our the next President." Please consider the following videos when you think of who to vote for in the 2008 Presidential elections.

Does your candidate deal with the very important issues in America? I did not make these videos. My contribution is to inform you about the links to this vital information:

One of the video responses:

Call overseas dirt cheap and support this Newsletter

Call 1 cent per minute from USA to Poland !!!!!!!!


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To get them you need to click on the card picture in the upper left corner. You will see many cards to pick from. They all deliver superb quality, but the differences are in maintenance fees, taxes and access numbers. Some of the cards can be used from Poland, few can be used with a web interface, where you can connect any two phones in the world. That way you can call from Poland to US for just 3 cents per minute - card CONTINENTAL. There is no connection fee on any card.

Here are other recommendations depending on your calling pattern:
CHEAP STREET - Frequent and long calls - effective rate (including taxes and maintenance fee) 1.5 to 2.5 cents per minute
JUPITER - Infrequent calls, can call from Canada and Russia - effective rate (no maintenance fee, including taxes and rounding) 2.5 - 3.0 cents per minute
BIZON - Infrequent calls - can call from many countries in Europe, but not Poland - effective rate (as above) 3.5 to 3.8 cents per minute - INCLUDING ALL TAXES!!!

The best thing is that there is no obligation to continue, no phone hookup. You have a complete freedom in your decisions. receives 10% of the commission. Currently it amounts to few dollars per month. The funds help to offset the expenses the volunteers pay in order to run the web site. Please help by asking your friends to purchase the calling cards at

FREE web hosting for Polish American non profit organizations

FREE advertising for everyone --> darmowe ogloszenia



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