PBS TV station to air Polish programming with local Polonia
Public Broadcasting Service TV station to air Polish
theme programs with the local Polish American
community participation
AUGUST 5, 2007, Sunday, 7 p.m.
Coverage area, other questions: http://www.krcb.org/faqs.htm
KRCB, a local Northern San Francisco Bay Area PBS station
will air two interesting programs about Poland and Polish
Americans. PoloniaSF suggested to the station to ask the
local Polish American community to take part in this time
in order to reach out to the almost 3% population of state
of California. The recent figures from the Census Bureau
place the number of Polish ancestry people in California
at 530,733 persons. There will be interviews with few local
Polonians and we will have a feast of Polish food prepared
by the San Francisco's only Polish restaurant "Old Krakow".
The hosts of the program expressed interest in wearing some
Polish folk costumes and they also extended invitation to
the local dance group. We have unfortunately a zero response
to that idea from the group itself, so that makes a perfect
opportunity for anyone having a Polish folk costume in their
closet. The hosts who desire to wear costumes or just some
elements (hat, vest, etc.) are males. One is medium built 5'9".
The second host is 6'2" with fairly broad shoulders, otherwise
not too large. If you have other costume and would like to show
it on TV please contact PoloniaSF as soon as possible by email:
poloniasfo@yahoo.com in order to arrange for your participation.
IMPORTANT: While the same programs were broadcast on a previous
pledge night, few people expressed concerns that Poland is being
still portrayed as 1960s country, but we have already XXI Century.
Poland has a lot to offer. We have a chance to show it on TV.
Please email me any good, high resolution images, taken in Poland
in the recent years. Please state that you are releasing the file
with the image to be shown on KRCB PBS station during the pledge
program and state how would you wish to see credits. Please email
your pictures by 11 a.m. on August 3, 2007, to poloniasfo@yahoo.com