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The following posting was sent on November 16, 2007


Calendar of Polish events
Discussion group PoloniaSF-Forum - you can say whatever you want
Open Letter to the Institute of National Remembrance in Poland
Interesting interviews with Polish politicians
Articles about recent Polish elections
American elections 2008

We will be happy to announce any event connected in any way to Polish community. Please make sure the organizers will inform us about event directly at . Some events are not listed due to personal preferences of the organizers. We are open to list any event. In order to avoid mistakes the information must be submitted directly by the organizers.

All newsletters

Discussion group PoloniaSF-Forum - you can say whatever you want

This is a very informative Forum for all Polonia to use. There are no limitations to the membership, except you cannot be anonymous. Please join us. The membership includes already majority of active volunteers in San Francisco Bay Area Polonia. Just click the button "Join This Group" here:
OR write email to:
You can leave any moment, unsubscribing is easy and instant.
Here are some examples of information there:

Open Letter to the Institute of National Remembrance in Poland

We received a copy of a very interesting letter about present history of Polish Nation. The letter describes concerns regarding the part of the archival materials at the Institute of National Remembrance in Poland, which has to do with the so called "fall of the communism". It would be very helpful for our English readers to have that letter translated. Volunteers please write to: The original text in Polish is here:

Interesting interviews with Polish politicians

Below there are some links to very informative and interesting radio interviews with Polish politicians. Most interviews are also on video right from the studio of the Polish Radio. The below links are just a sample. There are interviews with many more politicians there, from all sides of the political arena in Poland. Once you enter any of the below ones, you will find all others in the list on the right side of the screen.

Very informative [recent, NOV 07, 2007] interview with former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski:

Fantastic interview with Zbigniew Romaszewski [with video]:
You can also watch the interview right from the studio as an imbeded video on this page.

For those persons interested in Polish connections with "Moscow":

Wywiad z Prezydentem RP 12 listopada 2007:

Zycie pozagrobowe sluzb bezpieczenstwa po 1989 roku:
Mowa miedzy innymi o zbiorze zastrzezonym, gdzie wyladowala w roku 2006 teczka o sygnaturze WSI Waldemara Glodka i nie wiadomo dlaczego? Co to za supertajny czlowiek? A moze ciagle uklady rodem z PRLu?

News from Poland in English:
Click on symbols to listen or on "czytaj wiecej>>" in order to have an option to read or to listen.

Articles about recent Polish elections

".......... wybory byly w zasadzie plebiscytem. Skoro nastapila tak ogromna mobilizacja medialna do udzialu w wyborach przeciwko obecnej wladzy, to nie jest to jeszcze autentyczne poparcie dla wladzy, która ja zastapi."

".......... the elections were a referendum. In spite of the public resonance to the media frenzy to take part in elections against the current government, it is not yet an authentic acceptance of the new government, which is going to be a replacement."


Stanislaw Michalkiewicz's remarks after elections [IN POLISH]:

W powiesci Stanislaw Lema "Kongres futurologiczny", której akcja toczy sie w odleglej przyszlosci, nieznosna rzeczywistosc ukrywana jest przed ludzmi dzieki tzw. maskonom, tzn. rozpylanym w powietrzu substancjom, wywolujacym u ludzi halucynacje.

In a novel by Stanislaw Lem "The Futurological Congress" there is a world where everyone takes hallucinogenic drugs, and hallucinations have replaced reality.

American elections 2008

Take notice of an interesting candidate who is opposed to US dependency on a private corporation handling the American money. US owes to this private company its national debt. Polish money i handled by government bank, many more countries money are handled by government banks. Why America is so different? Why Ron Paul wants to do something about it?

Ron Paul collected IN ONE DAY over $4,300,000 for his election campaign. Why people are giving him this much money?

FREE web hosting for Polish American non profit organizations

FREE advertising for everyone --> darmowe ogloszenia



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