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The following posting was sent on September 4, 2008


Calendar of Polish events
Polish Saturday language schools in the Bay Area
Polish poetry in the San Francisco Bay Area
Polish business directory 2008, Polski przewodnik handlowy 2008
New articles about local Polish events

We will be happy to announce any event connected in any way to Polish community. Please make sure the organizers will inform us about event directly at . Some events are not listed due to personal preferences of the organizers. We are open to list any event. In order to avoid mistakes the information must be submitted directly by the organizers.

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Polish Saturday language schools in the Bay Area

There are 4 schools where you can send children (or attend yourself) to learn the Polish language, history and culture. Please contact the appropriate person in your area for more information: Podajemy kontakt i prosimy wszystkich chetnych o zglaszanie sie do nastepujacych osob w poszczegolnych szkolach:

San Francisco - first day of school is September 13, 2008. Classes start at 9:30 a.m..For more information please call Rev. Tadeusz Winnicki at 1-415-252-5799

San Jose - first day of school is September 13, 2008. Classes start at 9:00 a.m..For more information please call Barbara Stamberg at 1-408-929-2919

Union City - first day of school is September 13, 2008. Classes start at 9:30 a.m..For more information please call Grazyna Koralewska at 1-408-866-6864

Walnut Creek - Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 9:30am , the John Paul II School of Polish Language, based in Walnut Creek will hold open registration for all ages at its campus located at 1543 Sunnyvale Avenue . The school convenes every other Saturday from September to June. School begins at 9:30am and commences at 2:15pm . The annual tuition fee is $385 for children ages three to seventeen; or $400 for adults. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. Please read more about John Paul II School of Polish Language at .

Each school has also scout groups for all ages. Participants go to regular fun filled patriotic and social gatherings. They go also to nature camps in different parts of California and sometimes elswere, including Poland. More information at
Kazda ze szkol prowadzi rowniez zajecia z harcerstwa w roznych grupach wiekowych od skrzatow, poprzez zuchy do harcerzy. Mlodziez rokrocznie wyjezdza na biwaki oraz zimowiska. Wiecej informacji o harcerstwie znajduje sie na stronie internetowej

Polish poetry in the San Francisco Bay Area

We are pleased to share the following correspondence in Polish about an annual poetry book printed by our local artists:

Jak co roku wydajemy tomik wierszy, z ktorego CALKOWITY dochod przeznaczony jest na pomoc polskiemu harcerstwu w Kazachstanie. Ten zatytulowany "BURAN", wydany jest wspolnie przez Bogusie Kizior, Macka Danka i mnie. Slowa wstepne napisali: Hm Edmund Kasprzyk, sybirak, Przewodniczacy ZHP ks. Krzysztof Kurylowicz, opiekun polskiego harcerstwa w Kazachstanie.
Skladajac dotacje na ZHP mozna otrzymac go poczta wysylajac czek na adres:
Ryszard Urbaniak
743 Graymont Cir
Concord, CA 94518


Free copies of "Polish Business Directory 2008" - a telephone yellow pages book for Polish American community, which contains advertising of Polish businesses and Polish American organizations can be picked up at all Bay Area Polish churches, stores, banks, etc., or it can be ordered by phone at 1-925-339-1460 .


Bezplatne egzemplarze "Polskiego Przewodnika Handlowego 2008" - ksiazki telefoniczno adresowej typu "yellow pages" ,zawierajacej ogloszenia reklamowe polonijnych firm i organizacji mozna otrzymac w polskich kosciolach, sklepach, bankach i.t.p., lub zamowic telefonicznie pod numerem 1-925-339-1460.

New articles about local Polish events

Please do not miss the articles about local Bay Area Polonia:

FREE web hosting for Polish American non profit organizations

FREE advertising for everyone --> darmowe ogloszenia



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