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The following posting was sent on September 11, 2009


Calendar of Polish events
Polish Saturday Schools
The Bay Of Poetry
Looking for Polish immigrant
H-1B Work Visas Are Still Available

We will be happy to announce any event connected in any way to Polish community. Please make sure the organizers will inform us about event directly at . Some events are not listed due to personal preferences of the organizers. We are open to list any event. In order to avoid mistakes the information must be submitted directly by the organizers.

All newsletters

Polish Saturday Schools

The Polish Saturday Schools are organized in each Polish American community around the San Francisco Bay Area. Many students are from families where one of the parents is English speaker only, therefore the opportunity for children to learn Polish is, for many families, indispensable. Polish schools start teaching very small children, as young as 3 years old. At that age they mostly play in Polish, draw and color pages with polish themes and start to learn speak Polish.

This year the 2009/2010 school year starts on September 12. You may use the following schedule to sign up for the school, or just come to the opening day at the most convenient location:

San Francisco - Classes start at 9:30 a.m.
For more information please call Rev. Tadeusz Winnicki at 1-415-252-5799

San Jose - Classes start at 9:00 a.m. For more information please call Barbara Stamberg at 1-408-929-2919

Union City - Registration on the first day of school is at 10:00 a.m. For more information please call Grazyna Koralewska at 1-408-866-6864. Usual classes run from 9:00 a.m. till 2 p.m.

Walnut Creek - Classes start at 9:00a.m., the John Paul II School of Polish Language. For more information please call Elzbieta Lukaszewicz at 1-925-689-8008

Below we include information in Polish we received from two of the schools:

Rozpoczecie roku szkolnego 2009/2010 w Union City 12 wrzesnia 2009

Zarzad Szkoly serdecznie zaprasza 12 wrzesnia wszystkie dzieci na uroczyste rozpoczecie roku szkolnego w Union City. Msza Swieta rozpocznie sie o godzinie 10:00 a.m. Po mszy goraco zapraszamy rodzicow na zebranie celem omowienia spraw szkolnych. Jesli Panstwo maja jakiekolwiek pytania, prosimy o kontakt z Grazyna Koralewski 1-408-866-6864.
Zapraszamy nowych uczniow na nauke jezyka polskiego, historii, geografii i tancow. Mamy takze druzyne harcerska. Nasza szkola przyjmuje dzieci juz od lat 3, tak aby juz od najmlodszych lat nasze maluchy mogly sie bawic po polsku. Serdecznie prosimy o przeslanie tej informacji do swoich znajomych, szczegolnie do mieszanych malzenstw polsko amerykanskich. Szkola jest wspanialym miejscem na kultywowanie tradycji i jezyka polskiego.

Zarzad Szkoly w Union City

Szkola Jezyka Polskiego w Walnut Creek rozpoczyna rok szkolny w najblizsza sobote 12 wrzesnia msza o godz 9 rano w Kosciele United Methodist Church pod adresem 1543 Sunnyvale Ave. Walnut Creek, CA 94596. Po mszy odbedzie sie apel a potem zebranie rodzicow dzieci uczeszczajacych do naszej szkoly. W tym samym dniu mozna dokonac zapisow dzieci. Szkola prowadzi zajecia dla dzieci od lat 3 do klasy osmej. Posiadamy takze klasy dla doroslych, dla osob ktore chcialyby zaczac lub kontynuowac nauke jezyka polskiego. Od kilku lat mamy takze klase licealna. Przygotowujemy takze dzieci do Komunii Sw., egzaminow koncowych po ktorych uczniowie dostaja dodatkowe kredyty do szkol srednich i wyzszych. Wiecej informacji mozna uzyskac na naszej stronie internetowej Blizszych informacji udziela Dyrektor szkoly p.Tomasz Kotlinski lub tel 707-480-8692.

The Bay Of Poetry

There is new poetry book available for purchase. The poetry is in Polish language. The authors are local members of the Polish American community. Follow the below link for more information in Polish:

Looking for Polish immigrant

We present a letter from PoloniaSF reader. Please respond to if you have any information regarding the below request:

I would like to find a woman named Maya who lived with my family probably in 1982 (I cannot remember the exact year) after she fled Poland for political reasons. Her name is Maya, and I think that she married another immigrant named Richard, who was staying with a family who lived just around the corner from us. I was just a child at the time, but I dearly loved Maya and have thought of her all of these years. My mom has passed away, so I do not have anyone to ask about her. We lived in San Ramon during the time that Maya stayed with us, and it was through our church (St. Joan of Arc) that we entered this program to help these immigrants. I was 12 years old at the time. After Maya and Richard and his brother learned enough English and got jobs, they moved to an apartment, which I think was located in Walnut Creek. Do you know of any network within the SF Bay Area Polish community where I might find some assistance with my search?

Claudine Taillac

H-1B Work Visas Are Still Available

Q. I am here visiting my relatives from abroad and recently received a job offer. How easy it would be to get a work visa to stay longer?

A. There may be a unique opportunity for you to apply right now. The main visa which allows people to stay and work in the U.S. is the H-1B visa for temporary professional workers. In order to qualify, the employer must demonstrate that the position requires a professional in a specialty occupation and that the intended employee has the required qualifications. Typically, the minimum qualification is a university (bachelor's) degree or its equivalent. Employers must also pay a wage to every H-1B worker the "prevailing wage", that is at least as much as what is typically paid in the region for that type of work. Continued at:

More information from News of Polonia on many more subjects:

FREE web hosting for Polish American non profit organizations

FREE advertising for everyone --> darmowe ogloszenia



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