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The following posting was sent on October 24, 2010


Calendar of Polish events
Polish Saturday School in San Francisco
Piotr Rubik special for children
Polish Media Issues group
From subscribers
Details of Immigration Reform Plan

We will be happy to announce any event connected in any way to Polish community. Please make sure the organizers will inform us about event directly at . Some events are not listed due to personal preferences of the organizers. We are open to list any event. In order to avoid mistakes the information must be submitted directly by the organizers.

All newsletters

Polish Saturday School in San Francisco

We received this message today, it is late, but not too late. Please call your friends who might be interested in reactivation of the Polish Saturday School in San Francisco. There will be a meeting to discuss that on Sunday, October 24, 2010, at 12:30 p.m., just after social time after 11 a.m. Holy Mass at the Polish parish in San Francisco, 240 Fell Street. If anyone interested in reactivation of the Polish Saturday School is not able to come this coming Sunday, please call next week Rev. Tadeusz Rusnak for more information at 1-415-252-5799.
Otrzymalismy te wiadomosc dzisiaj, pozno, ale nie za pozno. Prosimy zadzwoncie do swoich znajomych, ktorzy mogli by byc zainteresowani w reaktywowaniu Polskiej Szkoly Sobotniej w San Francisco. Aby przedyskutowac wlasnie te mozliwosc, w sobote 24 pazdziernika 2010 r. o godz. 12:30 odbedzie sie spotkanie zaraz po kawiarence po Mszy Swietej w polskiej parafii w San Francisco, 240 Fell Street. Jesli jestescie Panstwo zainteresowani, a nie mozecie przyjsc w najblizsza niedziele, prosimy zadzwonic do ks. Tadeusza Rusnaka po wiecej informacji - 1-415-252-5799.

Piotr Rubik special for children

Piotr Rubik - new window opens
Special promotion for Polish Saturday Schools children from the Bay Area: Children 15 years old and younger pay only $24.50 plus one adult (parent or guardian) for $39. Miejsca w rzedzie 15 lub dalej. Call Iwona Urbaniak (925-876-9875) with reservation by October 25, 2010.

Specjalna promocja dla dzieci i rodzicow z Polskich Sobotnich Szkol z Bay Area: Dzieci lat 15 i mniej - $24.50; JEDEN rodzic lub opiekun na dziecko z polskiej szkoly - $39. Miejsca w rzedzie 15 i dalej. Zgloszenia do Iwony Urbaniak (925-876-9875) do dnia 25 pazdziernika 2010r

Polish Media Issues group

There is a group of Polish patriots who are correcting many mistakes media makes regarding information about Poland (or "mistakes" - like some of people suggest). In any case, they work very hard to correct stereotyping, wrong interpretations, lies and other issues having to do with Poland. Here is a fragment of a letter to us from their moderator, Jan Niechwiadowicz:
"I know there are many members doing great work in this area beyond what is on group. Wiktor efforts were basically outside the group, I know one member had a meeting which hopefully he will tell the group about sometime and Ed has sent complaints to the BBC which were not been posted on group. Still I feel this is the moment for the big push. Wikipedia is largely sorted, Wiki Answers and the Telegraph have seen vast improvements with more to come hopefully and Jim is pressing Amazon (US) which could be another big win for us. We now try to stop all new material to the web not just news media. All we need is 3 very active to 10 semi-active members and I am sure come the end of the year we really would have made massive strides to achieving our goals." If you are interested in joining, the group would like to welcome you. Please sign up here:

From subscribers

Here is a sample of Internet sites suggested by subscribers:
Summary of April 10 2010
"Mysle, ze warto podac dalej"
History of Poland

Details of Immigration Reform Plan

"The plan includes a way for undocumented immigrants to apply for permanent residence, but would require them to pay penalties and back taxes. The plan also includes various measures to strengthen border security, impose even greater sanctions on those who employ undocumented immigrants, and provisions for wider detention and removal of undocumented persons."
More at:

FREE web hosting for Polish American non profit organizations

FREE advertising for everyone --> darmowe ogloszenia



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